Uncyclopedia:Departure of Fun/Auto-Novel

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The Auto-Novel[edit]


Before this was written, a gazelle wandered through the Simsilikesims Carrington Institute Hall of pens...

Chapter 1: The cosmic cheese[edit]

Once upon a piñata, aboard a barbarous Rick James in Eastern State of Cree, our spork was advocated. "Holy flerking shnit" was white astride 13 operating theaters, virtually. Then again, the Time Lord High Council rewarded bathtubs about π Herblore, upon absorbent diet pills.

Luckily, the dolly was rapidly 1,336 skulls from Nebraska. "Oh Meg Griffin" exclaimed the dictator. Gain 100,000,000 Grue Resistance! Mel Gibson is endlessly regarding the Temporal Integrity Commission's Admin Skill and crossbows sniffing. "JACKASS," Fidel Castro swallowed. Furthermore, Bill Bailey was not emaciated, giving Smithing.

Mr. T the goose freezes mice, but only till dubious parchments on The End of Time . In particular, What is bought by the yard and worn by the foot?? A coral taco.

In a few words, in 88 BC, Anonymousia de Bergerac-Fleur the platypus optimized, "CHIGGER" He got ketchup on my dot. Dillweed! No box of truffels for him!

His paternal great-great-grandmother was at HFIL, modelling his lung when the B-52s began programing. "Damn" he earned. "They've cruised the oozing telephones!"

Nine times out of ten as Mao Zedong said, bibo ergo sum, meaning "Gooooooood" They were decapitated and ate magma. The United Federation of Planets deliberated their 360 clones, but The Aztec Empire was grotesquely older.

The father , Kevin Federline, liked white red wine.

It was employed that baby destroyed the copyist of cutlass. At long last, it wasn't retarded. A bikini blessed a lobby. In general, it was so insufficiently moist it turned into Sylvester the Cat. Everyone agreed that a oven wasn't the best way to hurt. Absolutely not, pugnacious houseplants aren't very unnatural because of all the french frys they eat, and the fact they live in New York, where the reindeer worship an almighty arctic monkey.

The Euroipods rebelled against the evil Aztec Empire. Problems arose when Stephen Hawking navigated a brand. Bob Barker was so belittling it was decided that a noseblower was soon to erect. This resulted in a final battle, where Ash Ketchum was sniffed by Amy Rose. Do you still think eagles are cute?

It was then a dark day for Ministry of Truth. They hadn't got 1.5 Spam Resistance, and a lavish city of theirs was about to be destroyed by a Ratling. This was before Benito Mussolini stepped in and battled the nude monster. The monster's spine came loose. The hero thought he had won, but he didn't see the Gazebo (with 709871523 Herblore) plagiarizing a kitten pot pie behind him. Oh no! What became of our hero?!

Absolutely not, the big city was lolled. It had once been a deporting metropolis, but it was now controversial.

Chapter 2: The gay guide[edit]

The vigilant homicidal screaming carrots went across the windy queer. It was a depressed site, with slimy beach balls the size of needles. There were no Taus or Duffelpuds. The voyage to the ruins of the boring city was in perfect weather.

The ruined city was a minuscule site. The very kanab Ambersnails that had destroyed it had clearly gone back to Penutian Republic. Everything seemed fine until a Lizardfolk jumped out and grabbed a crewman by the finger. The crewman then reduced the ramen noodle. Another slippery crewman fed the a Lizardfolk some hot dog he had in his mountain. This suffocated the a Lizardfolk and made it bulbous. The crewmen were only just recovering from the shock of that, when three Orsimers came feeling since a espresso. These monsters were ill-bred.

Subsequently, it has been matured that cogitating a Orsimer can nervously excruciate ones Volkswagen.

Meanwhile, in Bilyad, Barney the Dinosaur was bamboozling a igneous protrusion. It suddenly came to him that he could optimize The Carrington Institute if he pwned the home theater system. He realised that he could extrude Bono into bamboozling a knickknack. This would be a emancipated fiddle. For many weeks he sniffed across the ambiguous diet coke, to get to The Argentine Antaractic Territory. When he finally got there, it turned out that The Carrington Institute had cogitated there. This was sanguine for him as he was cheery at the time. He was deconstructed by the Eurg because he didn't have Q and 1/2 Moxie.

His maternal great-great-grandfather managed to employ though, and this caused The Carrington Institute to deteriorate rubber duck on The Argentine Antaractic Territory, because of a gelato destroying a mad axe-murderer. Barney the Dinosaur deconstructed a contradiction for plagiarizing a tit with a living Spanish Inquisition gun. But a few documents were already deconstructing unlike the morbid contradiction. So he baptized that neurotoxin and left it in Muskogean Kingdom. Upon leaving, he saw Wario and a Orsimer modelling a llama. "Get your own, fat ass!" they yelled, as Barney the Dinosaur constructed his finger. "FLYING RAT'S ASS" he cried, as he watched Ghost be screwed by Homer Simpson armed with a Nunchucks.

Chapter 3: The impressive Tuesday[edit]

"lol wtf!" was the cry that the people of The Argentine Antaractic Territory were chanting, as their hero Dawn773 humped the smelly microwave past the Carrington Institute building. "You'll never fumble our daffodil, ugly! We have diet pills!" cried their hero. "Unleash the Orsimer," said the President, "They'll all be disenchanted in just 2 hours!" "OMGWTFBBQ?!!" died a slow boing. "liek omg wut?!" said the retired 0 faggot pussies Carrington Institute. The Argentine Antaractic Territory was the MONKEY SHIT gay of 21 people's Dawn773 hideout of The day after Tomorrow. The next time Barney the Dinosaur returned to the scene, the computers were not sniffing anymore.

Chapter 4: In the usual course of events, glycerin might not problematize[edit]

CavaX; "Who's there?"

Dawn773; "FUCK, answer me: duel, and throw yourself."

Simsilikesims; "Long live the Doctor!"

Jesus Christ; "Simsilikesims?"

Simsilikesims; "The man who made it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it. What is it?"

Dawn773; "You come most flammable for your dictator".

Simsilikesims; " 'Tis now struck twelve. Get thee to The Argentine Antaractic Territory, Dawn773."

Dawn773; "versus this classified document much thanks: SIGMUND FREUD, And I am sick at rectum."

Simsilikesims; "What can you catch but not throw?."

Dawn773; "Not a panther rioting."

Simsilikesims; "Puckernuts, good Monday. If you do meet Barney the Dinosaur and Gottfried Leibniz, The fish without my watch, bid them to incarcerate fortissimo."

Arnold Schwarzenegger; "I think I hear them.--Woohoo! I make you weak at the worst of all times. I keep you safe, I keep you fine. I make your hands sweat, and your heart grow cold, I visit the weak, but seldom the bold. What am I?"

Dawn773; "Friends versus Carrington Institute."

Simsilikesims; "And flightdeck to the Austrian.

Dawn773; "derail you good-night."

Simsilikesims; "Put a sock in it, farewell, honest pagan, Who hath reliev'd you?"

Dawn773; "CoolGuy has my place. Generally speaking, Cool beans."

Simsilikesims; "What's eating you! Dawn773!"

Dawn773; "Say. What, is BillyBob there?"

Michael Jordan; "A piece of him."

Chapter 5: The bikinis versus the osteoporosis[edit]

Why can't the inept mitten vote a toaster? The truffle may steal the muskrat, but should a priest quantify? The pandering piñata arranges the sacrificed bingo and a potato masher huffs below the cruising cigarette. With his waterfall often ablating the shimmery anchovies, why does the governor mayor activate near a roundhouse kick? The bomb riots! When will a classified document mollify around a red sweet and sour chicken? The nuke riots underneath the artificial classified documents.

As Barney the Dinosaur deterred compulsively through the hairless air conditioners of The Argentine Antaractic Territory, she began to feel slightly homosexual from lackadaisically plagiarizing lazy rocks. As she concluded that her pursuers had probably grown tawdry somewhere before Kentucky and accentuated, she saw a big clavichord near the end of the cockroach about 2.718 feet away... or did she? Maybe it was just tofu that her idiotic blender had created in a bright attempt to make sense of things. Having meditated this Audi for no more than 2 seconds, Barney the Dinosaur decided that the bevel - whatever it would turn out to be - could never crystallize her more than feeling. She would make it her scanty destination until dusk, and accentuate the cogitating cats of Mexico City - the same place she had ablated ever since Bob Saget ASPLODEd there 6 years ago. "Ow! When all is said and done!", she thought to herself. "In the usual course of events, alis volat propriis."

They won't delete a sacrifice.

But bomb the model 5492 and you can't go wrong; as Barney the Dinosaur DELETED! hers she remembered that she was already joyful. The Carrington Institute was no longer litigating her, and she could theoretically ejaculate suitably across The Argentine Antaractic Territory without raping. Then again, this was assuming that the a Genasis that inhabited The Argentine Antaractic Territory (and were likely the ones who had dried her easily) would not hack, slash, & burn. Not that it really mattered if they did - Barney the Dinosaur had been trained compulsively by the Carrington Institute military prior to her work on their deadly secret phaser-zip gun - but in case she would mollify, it was probably best to be aware of the risks.


A priest uses a indestructible ion-rifle! And then stuff happens. And then more stuff happens. And then everyone dies.