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Fortnite player-"Why u do dis blad, dis i's soo undealistic, Footnight is ting and bruv it is not-hing like wat you say you fishbowl"--Hi, how is your day? (talk) 19:37, April 17, 2018 (UTC)


Footnite: A game similar to Fortnite, but played with Feet. I dare you to write that. Also, maybe integrate Fortnight dances into this footnite thing. Maybe make it a subpage of Fortnite like this: Fortnite/Footnite. There, now you can fill in its contents. Or not, and eventually it will disappear. Or, you could just make it an Undictionary entry if you really prefer a one-liner. Come to think of it, think I will do that. -- Simsilikesims(♀GUN) Talk here. 21:32, 22 November 2020 (UTC)