Talk:Economy of Romania

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sunt un fraier si promit sa nu mai scriu prostii pe site-ul acesta. / i am a sorry-ass loser and i promiss never to write my crap here again.

[cocksucker's message was:] Bai nenorocitilor care a-ti editat rahatu asta de site, sa va fut in bot mamicile voastre unguroaice. De unde mortii mamii voastre v-ati inspirat animalelor? Cum va permiteti sa prezentati tara asta cu oameni de 1000000 de ori mai inteligenti si mai frumosi decat toate scursurile voastre unguresti. Apropo, mama ungariei "mari" ciociolina ce mai face? In incheiere va mai trag o MUIE ca si asa vad cava intereseaza termenul,nu-i asa? SUGETI PULA SCURSURILOR!!!!!!!!!11

Dear moron, seems you are unable to use English. However, if your really lonely neuron can still work after the long and extremely polite phrase you wrote, note that this page exists just for fun. Check all other articles and you'll probably understand. By the way, it is a disgrace that a "great romanian patriot" like you is unable to spell in Romanian (se scrie "ati editat", forma de pefect compus de la "a edita". "a-ti" se foloseste la forma de infinitiv, ca de exemplu "a-ti da palme" - "a [iti] da [palme]"). So leave us alone, return to the headquarters of your Greater Romania Party. Good bye.